Feral animals cost Australia in excess of $720 million per year through damage to livestock, crops, fence and other infrastructure damage, with even more damage done to our environment through the spread of disease, and preying on our native plants and animals. These damages are catastrophic to our landscape, agriculture and industries.
This event aims to look after our environment and industries while fostering community. Team compete to get the most feral animals during an over night shoot with extra points for difficulty. We try to do annually though the prizes and dates change slightly.
2019 Shoot Occurred overnight on the 27th of April to the 28th April ending with a cooked breaky
The Red Card Feral Shoot is over for another year and despite low team numbers the tally of feral animals shot was amazing. We were blown away at the numbers of animals that can be shot in one night and we are very thankful for the teams that took part. If this yearly shoots didn't take place the feral animals would be even more out of control. There was some extra good news this year with some teams saying that they saw possums coming back to areas they weren't seen in recent past shoots.
The results were; 1st place awarded to the Verminators (Kim Roberts, Tom Collins, Darren Collins, Michael Liddiard and Liam Roberts) with 33 foxes, one feral cat, two rabbits and four goats; Total - 214 points 2nd place awarded to the Armageddon Foxes (Rob Potter, Callum Blyth, Jono Biddulph, Brad Vale, Joe Potter) with 29 foxes, 23 rabbits; Total 191 points 3rd place awarded to Four Musketeers (Bruce MacMahon, Haden MacMahon, Keith Smith, Patrick MacMahon) with 30 foxes, Two feral cats, two rabbits; Total- 164 points 4th place awarded to Pearced and Broke (David Pearce, Greg Bohun, Dane McGill, Glen Beatty) with three foxes, 41 rabbits; Total 97 points Last but not least were Dead Foxes R Us (Ian Parkin, Alan Sommerville, Terry Robinson, Kevin Loveland) were awarded 5th place with five foxes; Total 25 points
The overall ferals controlled were 100 foxes, 3 feral cats, 138 rabbits and 3 goats
We would like to sincerely thank the following organisations; For helping the breakfast and reward ceremony go smoothly, Shire of Plantagenet for donating the venue, Frost oval pavilion, Plantagenet meats for donating sausages for breakfast and Mount Barker Hotel and their Hits The Fan Catering for donating the delicious hot breaky.
For donating prizes; Elders Rural Services Mt Barker, Mt Barker Hire, GSR Rural Services, Be You Hair and Beauty Boutique, Mount Barker Veterinary Hospital, Landmark, Mt Barker Tyre and Exhaust & Service, Strike me Pink, Mount Barker Chiropractic Centre, Agricultural Garden Machinery Hydraulics - AGH spare Parts and Repairs, and Bubs 2 Mums.
Thanks also go to Sports Shooters Association of Western Australia who supports this event. As well as enabling us to fundraise $515 to Men’s Regional Health through their initiative of donating $5 for every fox and cat killed.
Terms and guidelines used available here or by request.