Catchments are complex and something happening in one part of the catchment can have a big impact on other parts.
The Oyster Harbour is the centre catchment of the Albany Hinterland and shares its common borders with the Wilson Inlet Catchment to the West and Albany Eastern Hinterland to the East. These catchments fall into the South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc. area of responsibility that includes the South Coast, from Walpole in the West to Esperance in the East. In recent years the OHCG has also worked in adjoining areas of the Albany Eastern Hinterland including Manypeaks and South Stirling's. Why are catchments important? The idea of catchments is useful, as it is the standard functioning unit of the landscape: water, soil, plants, and animals are all linked together within a catchment through ecological processes, and any activity that occurs within a catchment will affect the whole catchment. Healthy catchments are important for human survival, as it is where our food is grown and where all the water we drink comes from. What is a healthy catchment? A healthy catchment is one that still has all of its ecological functions. It should be able to filter and clean water as it flows overland and seeps through the ground, and there should be lots of opportunities for water to seep into the ground so that it can be used by plants. |