Weedy Acacia species, particularly Acacia pycnantha (Blackwood) and Acacia longifolia (Sydney Golden Wattle) are highly invasive species within this project area which can out-compete native vegetation, forming monocultures. Sydney Golden Wattle compounds on this by altering the soil chemistry, actively preventing native species from germinating. Within the heavily cleared landscape of this project area, road reserves, rail reserves, and remnant vegetation patches are important refugia for both plant and animal species - as well as wildlife corridors for movement between larger habitat areas. By controlling these invasive species in these areas this project will not only protect and enhance them, but will reduce the movement of these invasive species towards the Stirling Range and Porongurup National Parks.
War has been waged on weedy Acacia species in the Shire of Plantagenet for over a decade, and in some regions, it is being slowly won. The repeated control of these invasive plants is the key to their control; and hopefully one day eradication. This project will undertake follow-up weed control in areas of roadside reserves, to kill emerging seedlings in areas where mature plants have been previously controlled. It will also undertake control in small reserves within the township of Mount Barker, improving the condition of these refugia, and raise awareness through the high visibility of these sites. This project builds on over 10 years of successful invasive wattle species control throughout the project area undertaken by the Oyster Harbour Catchment Group Inc. and project partners, and is directed by the Ranges Link – Stirling to Porongurup Conservation Action Plan. This will consolidate the completed works by providing follow up control and initial control in strategic vegetation remnants and road reserves.
Please contact us if you see any of these species, also if you need help identifying weeds we have a weed booklet available on request.